2020 Reservation Form
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Please send your reservations and check made payable to the Clinton Center Alumni Association by April 11, 2020 to:
Joe Martin, Secretary/Treasurer 424 Glenview Lane Greencastle, IN 46135-9066
[ ] Yes, I will attend. Please reserve _________ dinners.
Cost per person $15.00 x ________ = $ _____________ (check enclosed)
Has your address changed? Please help us keep our records updatedby providing your current address even if you cannot attend:
[ ] No, I will not attend, but I am providing my current address.
Name: ______________________________________Class Year: _____________
Address:______________________City:___________ State:________Zip:______
Phone: __________________ Email:_______________________
If you cannot attend but would like to help with the ever-increasing expenses of the banquet and mailing please send your donation to Joe Martin, Secretary/Treasurer, at the address above.
Make checks payable to Clinton Center Alumni Association.
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