Clinton Center Alumni Banquet Secretary's Report
Submitted by: Nancy Curran
April 27, 2019
The banquet/ meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by President Brenda Heacock followed by Steve Winters leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegience. Joe Martin gave the invocation for the meal. The meal consisted of Swiss steak, chicken & noodles, layered salad with dressing, pineapple-cheese salad, corn, mashed potatoes, pies, coffee, tea and lemonade-
The program started at 6:45 p.m. with Doyne Cruse giving the scholarship fund report. Mason Allen received this year's scholarship and his parents, Bryan and Lisa Allen, were introduced on behalf of their son to thank everyone for the scholarship. Mr- Allen indicated that Mason will be attending Wabash College this fall.
Nancy Curran gave the treasurer's report and Denny O'Hair made the motion to accept the report as presented; the motion was seconded by Judy Cantonwine Miller. Ted Bock gave an update on the status of the website. David Berry introduced Tina Sillery, Township Trustee. Tina presented a check in the amount of $305.30 to Brenda Heacock. Judy Miller made the motion to put the money in the scholarship fund, which was seconded by Steve Winters; motion passed.
Nominations for next year's officers were presented: Joe Martin, Gus Martin and Mike Martin. JC Unger made a motion to accept the nominations; motion passed and officers were elected.
Tom Miller spoke on behalf of the Class of 1949 (70-year class). Steve Littrel, Larry Miller, Judy Cantonwine-Miller and Brenda Brackney-Heacock were present for the Class of 1959 (60-year class). After Brenda spoke on behalf of the Class of 1959, Howard Tippen sang "How Great Thou Art."
The following recognitions were also made during the evening:
Earliest graduate, Joanne McFarland
Farthest traveled, Don Albin
First-time attendee, Steve Blaydes
Most siblings in attendance, Martin Family
Winners of banquet flowers were Amelia Crodian, Joanne Keyt, David Berry, Rita Pearson, Penny Huffman and Bill Keyt.
Entertainment was then provided by Larry Miller, who concluded the evening with the following songs: "Mansion on a Hilltop", "Look at Us", "Paper Roses", followed by everyone singing "School Days".
The program ended at 8:00 p.m.