Clinton Township Alumni Banquet 2015
4:30 to 5:45 – Reception
5:45 – Presentation of America Flag
6:00 - Dinner
Buffet Dinner for 2015 Clinton Township Alumni Banquet.
Meal furnished by Russellville Community Center Volunteers.
What a great meal we had. The Community Center did an outstanding
job of furnishing us with a meal worthy of how our Mothers used to cook.
Thanks to all the Volunteers and the coordinator Darrell Wiatt.
Pork Loin
Baked Chicken Breasts
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Salad–make your own tossed salad.
Cole Slaw
Pineapple and cheese salad
Variety of homemade pies and angel food cake
Coffee, tea and Lemonade
Rolls and butter furnished.
Special thanks to Vice President Max and Judy Martin, Secretary/Treasurer Karen Cruse Boswell and Ernie, Dorothy Bettis Lukenbill and Keith, Doyne Cruse, Betsy Bock Adams and Jack, Karla Adams Lawless, Rick Parent, Darrell Wiatt and the Russellville Community Center Volunteers, Dee Carrington, who provided the key to get in the community center. Thanks to Amy Dorris for preparing the appetizers. Good time and good food had by all. See you next year.
One correction on the 2014 Newsletter. We incorrectly stated Grant Bryan, 2014 Clinton Township Scholarship Winner as Chase Bryan. We sincerely regret this error.
Jo MacPhail gave a very nice talk on her years at Clinton Center. Jo came to Clinton Center from Austin, TX. Most of you know her as the daughter of Paul Wagner of Wagner's Christmas Tree Farm.
Bonnie Bock Bryan is the newest member of the Scholarship Selection Committee replacing Dorothy Bettis Lukenbill who had served her three year term. Thanks for your support Dorothy.
Mack Newgent came the farthest from Florida to take home the Hoosier flower door prize for his garden. We enjoyed visiting with Mack's son who came along.
The decision was made to award the oldest graduate door prize (a nice flower) to Elvia Porter. Elva was unable to attend and we thought it would be nice for her and lift her spirits. We missed you Elva. Her daughter, Sheila accepted the gift.